Page 23 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 23
It is also interesting to notice changes which have taken place over ten years. We
may even feel grateful that we are living at this time, and not facing some of the
things people had to face back then!
4. In ten years time, I wonder if the Infants will be learning about the story of TKS as
you have been doing.
5. Wouldn’t it be fun to do something to help them grasp what it is like now? What
could we do? Tailor their ideas as appropriate, and agree on a plan together.
Some aspects of the plan may be carried out immediately; other aspects may need
to be left for another occasion. Possible ideas may include: -
x Making a short video/DVD
x Recording information on a tape/CD
x Taking photographs
x Writing or drawing
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will know that the future is in God’s hands, and be encouraged to play a
part in seeing God’s will come to pass.
2. The children will have recorded information about TKS as it is now, to be of
interest to children in ten years time.
T Transcript of the cassette made in 1999
The Lord is faithful to all His promises
And loving towards all that He has made.
We will trust You Lord
We will trust You Lord
We will choose Your way.
Like Abraham so long ago
We will choose Your way.
By Libby Dobson
(Changing World, Unchanging God) 21