Page 21 - ASSESSMENT OF ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
P. 21
6. In September 1994 Miss Morgan and Mr Elmitt became head teachers as Mr
Freeman was often away sharing about Christian Education in other places.
February 1995 YR moved to The Cricket Pavilion, which you can see as you drive
out of Witney on the road to Oxford. Here the YRs had a lovely, bright classroom,
and plenty of grass to play on outside. The only trouble was that the cricketers and
other people needed the room on Wednesdays and at the weekends, and so the
offices had to be packed away after every two days.
7. September 1995 - There was room for all of the Infants at the Primary Site again,
but not for long!
8. God began to make it clear that it was time for the Seniors to move to a different
In September 1997 the Seniors had lessons for the first time in their building in
the centre of Witney. It had all been newly decorated by guess who? (Parents,
teachers, older pupils and people in the church) The School was now on two sites,
but it was still one School.
9. In September 2005 Stepping Stones moved from Bampton into TKS Primary site.
9. That brings us up to date, but is that the end of the story?
What do you think the next chapter will be about?
God knows His plans for us, and we can be sure He will provide for us in the future
as He has done so faithfully in the past. We just need to keep looking to Him and
trusting Him.
What do you think it will be like following God’s leading in the future? (eg. exciting,
challenging, fun, etc.)
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
See previous lesson.
1. The children should appreciate how good, faithful and wise God is in how he has led
us and provided for us.
2. The children will have learnt about the story of The King’s School once we moved into
the new building.
(Changing World, Unchanging God) 19