P. 43
Science Y6 – Materials and their Properties – week 1
Truth to Teach (Source)
Job 28:1-19 Natural resources
Genesis 1:28-30 Mandate to rule over the earth
Genesis 2:15 ‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of
1 Kings 6 Materials used in the building of the temple
God’s command to man to care for the earth
Natural resources can come from underground or living things
Man-made materials are known as synthetics
Man-made materials are changed natural materials
Friedrich Mohs’ hardness scale for ascertaining the hardness of materials
To identify the best materials for a task
Way to Work (Means)
1. Let the children have a set time to write down all the natural materials they can find in Job 28:1-19.
2. Gather to share and remind the children of our mandate to steward the earth for God. We should live in such a way
that we can leave a good inheritance for the next generation. By studying about the materials God created we can
use them wisely and not wastefully.
3. Let the children create two lists from a display of natural and man-made materials as well as working in pairs to
find more of each type. Talk about where natural materials are found. Introduce the word ‘synthetics’ to describe
man-made materials.
4. Talk about the best materials for a task. E.g. glass for windows because it is transparent, plastic for countless
tasks because it is waterproof, durable, etc.
Introduce Mohs’ hardness scale.
5. Let the children complete the worksheet. Some children may like to list materials used in the building of the temple
in 1 Kings 6.
6. Gather back to review the teaching and to thank God for the amazing number of resources he has created and for
giving man the ability to create yet more.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children will be more aware of criteria needed for selecting materials for certain tasks. They should be able to
distinguish between natural and man-made materials. Hopefully, they will have a sense of wonder at the way in which God
has created the resources we need for life on earth and the creative ability he has given to man to invent more materials.