P. 44

Science Y6 – Materials and their Properties – week 2

                                      PROPERTIES OF EVERYDAY MATERIALS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

           1 Chronicles 28:13-21     Building the temple with different materials

              Even in Biblical times, the properties of materials were important

              Adjectives used to describe materials

              Properties of everyday materials

              Classifying materials

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Review the first lesson.

            2.   Read and discuss parts of the above passage.

            3.   Discuss with the children adjectives which could be used to describe various materials which could be on display,
                 eg, coin, plastic bag, sock, string, tumbler, hammer, nail, credit card, t-shirt, leather belt, stainless steel cutlery,
                 ruler, sharpener, pencil, paper, mug.

            4.   Let the children fill in the first part of the worksheet.

            5.   Gather back to discuss their answers.

            6.   Set groups of children the challenge of finding headings under which materials can be classified, eg
                     •   natural, man-made
                     •   stone, paper, precious stones, metals, glass, plastic, textiles, clay

            7.     Share ideas then release the children to complete their worksheet.

        Learning for life (Fulfilment)

        The children will be more familiar with the properties of a range of materials and should have some idea of how they can
        be classified.

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