P. 48

Science Y6 – Materials and their Properties – week 6

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              Chemistry is the study of chemicals which are made up of atoms / molecules

              Safety procedures necessary when handling chemicals

              Making a fire extinguisher

              Using our senses to identify chemicals

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Review the test.

            2.   Define chemistry and talk about chemicals being made up of atoms which can be combined into molecules.
                 Chemicals can be natural or man-made. They can be in the form of solids, liquids or gases. We distinguish
                 chemicals with our senses of sight, touch, taste and smell. God has given us the awesome responsibility for using
                 these chemicals rightly but sadly people often use them to harm others. Let the children suggest examples of
                 these (terrorist bombs, poisons, etc)

            3.   Make a fire extinguisher to show how chemicals react together.
                       a)     Use an old cake tin or saucepan
                       b)     Stand three different sized candles in a tin, at least two being below the top of the tin.
                       c)     Spread a teaspoon of baking powder on the bottom of the tin.
                       d)     Light the candles.
                       e)     Add two teaspoons of vinegar.

                 Carbon dioxide will fill the tin and oxygen will be forced out because it is lighter. The candles will go out in the
                 absence of oxygen.

            4.   Talk about the safety procedures in handling chemicals, eg never taste chemicals if you are unsure of what they
                 are; never invent your own experiments with unknown materials; do not rub your eyes or bite your nails when
                 working with chemicals; never play with chemicals.

            5.   Give the children small amounts of the following chemicals to identify, using their senses. Assure them that they
                 are safe to taste.

                       Sugar, salt, lemon juice, icing sugar, pear, potato, Demerara sugar, custard powder, soda water

            6.   Let the children complete the worksheet or write up their results in a table form.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children should have a clearer understanding of what a chemical is and of the safety procedures we need to employ
        when handling unknown chemicals. They should also realise the responsibility we have to use chemicals appropriately in our
        daily lives.

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