P. 45

Science Y6 – Materials and their Properties – week 3

                                       SCHOOL/HOME BUILDING MATERIALS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              To conduct a survey of the school/home building, identifying materials and assessing their suitability

              Ways to record observations

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.  Review the previous lessons.

            2.  Invite a local craftsman to share about his work.  Alternatively, visit a pottery, building site, blacksmith or similar.

            3.  Tour the school buildings, seeking to identify materials used for specific purposes.
               Let the children suggest reasons why these particular materials have been used.

            4.  The children should record their work in a suitable way. Discuss the possibilities.

            5.  Some children may like to find out more on the Internet or from books about craftsmen who use natural materials.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        Hopefully, the children will have learnt to recognise everyday materials and be more equipped to assess the suitability of
        them for the purpose for which they are being used.
        They should have explored different ways of recording information and be better equipped to do so in the future.

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