P. 30

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                    WORKING THROUGH DIFFERENT MATERIALS
        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Magnetic power can pass through thin layers of some materials.

        In 1 Thessalonians 5:19 Paul says, ‘Do not quench the Holy Spirit’.  Rather than hinder His activity,
        our aim should be to let Him work through us and around us as He will.

        Way to Work (Means)

           1.    Recap.  Ask about uses of magnets children may have become aware of since the previous
                 lessons.  (Picking up pins, kitchen cupboard doors, knife holder…) Give time for children to

                 report on things they have discovered about magnets, e.g. how bar magnets sometimes repel
                 each other (like poles repel; unlike poles attract.), or how a magnet can attract through
                 paper, etc.

           2.    If it is possible for magnetic power to work through paper, would it be possible for it to work
                 through other materials, such as plastic, glass, leather, etc.?  Would these materials let the
                 magnetic power pass through them, or would they refuse and act like a wall?  Let’s see what
                 we can discover through experimenting.

           3.    Ask children to work  in groups of three, and test the materials listed on the relevant
                 worksheet.  They can add a material of their choice in the space at the end.  Quick finishing
                 groups could investigate how many exercise books magnetic power can work through to pick
                 up a paper clip.

           4.    Gather and consolidate results.  These materials allow the magnetic power to pass through
                 them.  It is like they are willing for it to happen.  Remember how we have compared the
                 power of God’s love with that of a magnet.  We cannot see it, but it is real, and indeed we can
                 feel it.  God wants to work in us, and through us to attract other people.  Are we going to

                 allow Him to work in our lives, and allow Him to work through us?

           5.    We have one last thing to do before we finish this section on magnets.  Here we have a diver
                 lost at the bottom of the ocean. (A diver made of thin plastic and a paper clip, in a bowl of
                 fairly thin plastic or glass– you need to do this prior to the lesson.)  Can we rescue him using
                 a magnet?  Will it work through glass and water?  Let’s find out!  Make contact with the
                 diver from out-side the tank and carefully raise him to the surface.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.     For the children to appreciate how magnetic power can work through different materials.

            2.     For the children to be encouraged to be open to what God’s Spirit would want to do in and
                   through                                                                                 them.

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