P. 32

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                          POWER – INVISIBLE BUT REAL

                                             PART TWO – ELECTRICITY

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              Just as electric power, when rightly connected, flows from a source, enabling things to work, so
              God alone is our source of power for life, as we keep in touch with Him.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

                      1.       For the children to observe how electricity flows around a circuit and to learn
                              how to construct simple circuits themselves.

                      2.       For the children to begin to  appreciate how we depend  on electric power
                              functioning every day, and how to steward it.

        Way to Work (Means)

                      Whole class lessons, experiments in small groups and individual work.

                      Week1          A simple circuit

                      Week 2         Stewarding electricity

                      Week 3         Materials which conduct electricity

                      Week 4         Test

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