P. 46
Science Y6 – Marvellous Me – lesson 17
Truth to Teach (Source)
1 Corinthians 6:19 ‘Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you
have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore
honour God with your body.’
1 Timothy 4:8 ‘For physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things, holding
promise for both the present life and the life to come.’
Daniel 1:11-17 Daniel and his friends chose a healthy diet.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the last lessons.
2. Remind the children of our responsibility to steward our bodies for God, not only our physical bodies but our
spirits too. Read the above verses.
3. Let the children divide into groups to list all the ways in which we can look after our bodies. Encourage them to
consider every part of their body, e.g. wearing sun-glasses in bright sunshine, wearing a sun hat, keeping oneself
clean, wearing appropriate clothes according to the different seasons.
4. Gather back to share and compile a list.
5. Encourage the children to create posters, either by hand or on the computer, promoting one aspect of healthy
living. These may need to be finished in an art lesson or for homework.
6. Give time for these posters to be shared and displayed at a later time.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. It is hoped that as a result of studying the project the children will have a real desire to steward their physical
and spiritual bodies/lives for God.
2. By creating posters they should see that they can make a difference in promoting good health.