P. 41

Science Y6 – Marvellous Me – lesson 14 – information on digestive system

                                             THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

        Do you know how many metres the food you eat has to travel through your body?

                                          When you chew and swallow food it begins a journey through your
                                          body that is 6-9 metres long! Food contains nutrients such as
                                          proteins, carbohydrates and fat that our body can use as fuel. Many
                                          things happen to the food you eat before it becomes fuel for your
                                          body. The digestive process begins as soon as you put food into
                                          your mouth.

        The Mouth

                                  Your teeth begin the digestive process by chewing the food and breaking it
                                  down into smaller pieces. But your salivary glands help out by producing
                                  saliva, or spit, to help your teeth make food soft and mushy and easier to
                                  swallow. Once you swallow it the food travels down the oesophagus.



                                   The oesophagus is like a pipe that is about 25 cm long. Once food has
                                   entered the oesophagus, it doesn't just drop right into your stomach.
                                   Instead, muscles in the walls of the oesophagus move in a wavy way to

                                   slowly squeeze the food through the oesophagus and into your stomach.

        The Stomach

                            Food spends two to three hours in the stomach mixing with all sorts of acid and
                            digestive juices. These juices break down the food into smaller pieces that the

                            body can use. The walls of the stomach contain a thick layer of mucous that
                            protects it from the hydrochloric acids inside. When the food is the consistency
                            of porridge the stomach gradually releases it into the small intestine, where
                            digestion is completed.

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