P. 15
Truth to Teach (Source)
John 20:21 ‘As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’
Matthew 28:19 ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.’
Modern means of transport makes travelling to nations easier.
Modern methods of communication make serving the nations easier.
Way to Work (Means)
It may be helpful to have a missionary to share in this lesson.
1. Review the previous lesson.
2. Talk about God’s heart for all the nations to hear the Gospel. Describe how Jesus
sent his disciples out into the surrounding areas. Talk briefly about Paul and his
dangerous journeys. Remind the children of Augustine and the forty missionaries.
3. Show the children toy cars, boats and planes asking them to sort them into three
hoops according to whether they go on land, on the water or in the air.
4. Discuss with the children which forms of transport were available in Jesus’ time.
Talk about the above verses which Jesus spoke to his disciples. Let the children try to
imagine what travelling even a short distance by foot or on a donkey would have been
Compare it to travelling today. It is a privilege to spread the Gospel but there is a
cost too in leaving one’s nation, facing the unknown, etc.
5. Let the children consider what it would have been like to send a letter in Biblical times
compared to emails, etc today.
6. Let the missionary share his/her experiences. There may be some follow-up support
in fund-raising and/or prayer.
(God's Heart for the Nations) 14