P. 14
Discuss the importance of sharing a meal with people; this can build friendship. Talk
about greeting visitors with respect in our homes and in school.
3. Ask the children what their favourite foods are. Establish if any children have been to
another country where the food was not so palatable. Ask how they responded.
4. Act out two contrasting situations where two children are offered food they do not
really like. One reacts rudely and will not even try it whilst the other tries a little then
says politely that they do not feel they can eat it. Discuss which is preferable.
Remind the children that this applies when we go to other people’s homes as well as
when we go to another nation.
Talk about the need to say please and thank you.
5. Talk about foods which are popular in various nations, eg snails and frogs’ legs in
France, reindeer in Norway, pizza in Italy, haggis in Scotland, potato bread in Ireland.
6. Explain that we are going to try some foods from the UK today but we are going to
remember how to respond if we do not like it after we have tried a tiny bit.
7. If numbers are small, have a table laid up so that the children can see the benefit of
sitting around a table together. If this is not possible, use trays of food to pass
around. Remind the children of the importance of saying thank you’ and not making
inappropriate noises if they feel the food is different to what they are used to.
8. Select food from the UK, eg haggis and shortbread from Scotland, black pudding,
sausages or Yorkshire pudding from England, potato bread from N Ireland, Welsh
cakes from Wales.
9. Play music from the four UK countries during the meal. Some Welsh choral music or
bagpipes could be used as well as some Proms music.
10. The children could try some line dancing or Scottish dancing.
11. Ask the children which aspects of the lesson they enjoyed most.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children should know appropriate ways of greeting people from other nations and
of respecting and learning from their customs, etc.
(God's Heart for the Nations) 12