Page 51 - DinQ 223 Sep 2021
P. 51
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guage) and to carry out the traditional
only church, with its origins in
Ethiopian Orthodox service. The longest
Africa, which traveled from
living Jamaican priest Kes Gebre Selassie,
Ethiopia to Jamaica. This was
Lloyd Fitzgeraldas well KesWolda
intended to strengthen the re-
Dawitamong the local priests ordained to
lations between the two coun-
serve the people of Jamaica for many
tries, their peoples and
years at the EOTC.
their faith in orthodoxy. “
When Mrs Hylton was asked about
Along with Mrs. Hylton,
the future of the Church, she indicated that
were Minister of Culture,
“going forward, the Church’s focus should
Gender, Entertainment and
Mrs. Yodit Hylton, Honorary Consul of be on building the unity of the people in
Sports, Honorable Olivia
Ethiopia in Jamaica, Head Administrator Archi- the Church, which can be gained from the-
mandrite Abba Ghebreyesus, Minister of Culture, “Babsy” Grange, MP, CD and
development of theirspirituality, which
Gender, Entertainment and Sports, Honorable the Member of Parliament for
Olivia “Babsy” Grange, MP, CD and the Member itself, is connected to a deeper knowledge
the area in which the Church
of Parliament, EOTC member and artist Wolete and faith in Ethiopian Orthodoxy.”
Selassie presenting her icon art work to the Hon. is built,Honorable Dr. Peter
She said “on behalf of the Ethiopi-
Minister and Barbara Blake-Hannah, Cultural Phillips, who was himself one
Liaison, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertain- ans at home in Ethiopia and here in Ja-
of the founding members of
ment and Sports maica, I will continue my efforts to con-
EOTC in Jamaica in the early
nect our two peoples and cultures, in One
Love and Unity.Ethiopia and Jamaica
Solidarity Forever!
The EOTC’s journey of
51 years in Jamaica began in
May 23, 1970 by Abune Ye-
shaq, the late Archbishop of
the Western hemisphere, who
baptized750 people in one
day,and converted mostly for-
mer Rastafarians to Orthodox
Dr. Peter Philips, Member of Parliament Christians. He also established
for the church engaging Mrs. Yodit Hylton, Hon- eight (8) parishes and started
Head Administrator Archimandrite
orary Consul of Ethiopia in Jamaica, Head Ad- the unfinished building of the
ministrator Archimandrite Abba Ghebreyesus, Cathedral at the currentMax- Abba Ghebreyesus presenting St Georges
Emahuy Hanna Maria Tekelahimanot event ville church site and trained icon art work to Mrs. Yodit Hylton, for
chairperson church member and Amesale the Honorary Consul of Ethiopia in Ja-
Jamaican priests to chant in
Mariam, Secretary General Secretary for EOTC maica for the consulate continues support
Ge’ezz (Ethiopian ancient lan-
and contribution
DINQ magazine September 2021 Happy Ethiopian New Year
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