Page 49 - DinQ 223 Sep 2021
P. 49

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                                                                             KEBEDE  HAILE  PAGE
                                                               KEBEDE  HAILE  PAGEE



                                     WELCOMING DINQ MAGAZINE
                                             ARTICLE CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                 vices to business promoters’ and to meet readers’ expecta-
                                                                 tion of today and future generations. Your articles indicated
                                                                 that how you guys are brilliant and gracious.
                                                                         Realistically speaking, Dinq Magazine was founded
                                                                 by far sighted late Tewodros D.Haile several years ago for
                                                                 all purposes community service rendering mission: for ad-
                                                                 vertisement to promote the Ethiopian- owned business and
                                                                 to open venue for potential writers to publish their articles.
                                                                 Additional article and lists of contributors may be published
                                                                 in the near future to figure out what prompted him to start
                                                                 this essential business and to influence the contributors in
                 I                                               the first place.
                 n Dinq Magazine management’s assessment, its            Preparing article every month isn’t an easy task as it
          continuity is important to maintain the Ethiopian cul-  sounds; because it consumes a great deal of time and con-
          tural  and  traditional  shared  value  to  the  Ethiopians   certed efforts. In any event, the management is impressed
          community in US as a matter of national pride. For this   by your well-written and multitask-loaded articles that cap-
          to happen, recognizing and dealing with its article con-  tured the curious general readers’ attention. Moreover, while
          tributors is a must to cement relationships.           you  shed  light  into  someone  else’s  mind  and  makes  them
                                                                 brighter, it preserves writing tradition to future generation.
                 This  fundamental  principle  has  inspired  Dinq       It is worthwhile to mention that it is the Ethiopian
          Magazine Management to write this welcome letter to    tradition to serve the readers through writing skills to edu-
          the new Dinq Magazine article contributors who have    cate the community about the Ethiopian historical and cul-
          recently joined the team. Contributors who have previ-  tural heritage. It also creates awareness on the social, politi-
          ously joined Dinq are also urged to stay tuned. Imagine   cal and economical issues of the surrounding environment
          where Dinq Magazine will be if you haven’t joined it.   where  the  Ethiopians  are  residing.  Building  community
          Our best hope is to see you to continue writing for long   through writing service can be highly rewarding in the long
          time  to  come.  Your  continued  participation  is  impor-  run  and  can  bring  an  immense  fulfillment-to  chart  direc-
          tant primarily for the sake of maintaining Dinq’s value   tions to advance writing passion
          that  inspired  others  to  follow  your  footsteps  and  the   Once again, by joining Dinq Magazine contributors
          bonds  within  our  community  remained  strong.  The   team means you affirmed Dinq’s mission-its commitment to
          strength of this community is what enabled us to stay   serve  the  community  and  it  adds  grace  to  Dinq.  Finally,
          the  course  and  it  gives  us  enormous  optimism  about   Dinq Magazine wishes you all the best and see the coming
          the future.                                            years  the  same  generosity  and  commitment  that  brought
                 Sharing  Dinq  Magazine  components  began  its   people  together  to  support  Dinq  and  we  look  forward  to
          services with kind of people like you and others. Hav-  better days.
          ing a great team already in place is so important. Truly        Dinq Magazine Management,
          enough, this monthly publication issue would not have
          been possible without the help of article contributors.        ______________
          So the management come down to acknowledge your                *Article contribution signifies that the article is writ-
          contribution*  for  your  ongoing  supports.  By  working   ten based on Dinq Megazine guidance lines- fairness to all.
          together, Dinq will fulfill to give its higher standard ser-

              DINQ MEGAZINE       April      2021                                              STAY SAFE                                                                                  49
          DINQ magazine      September 2021    Happy Ethiopian New Year                                               49

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