Page 91 - Dinq Magazine August 2020 Edition
P. 91


                             Sudan Mass Grave
                            Sudan Mass Grave

                                  mass grave has been dis-      AFP.
                                                                It is the second mass grave discovered recently.
                                 covered in Sudan contain-
                                mass grave has been dis-        AFP.
                               covered in Sudan contain-        It is the second mass grave discovered recently.
                                                                Last month, the public prosecutor said investiga-
                                 ing 28 bodies, thought to
                               ing 28 bodies, thought to        Last month, the public prosecutor said investiga-
                                                                tors had discovered a mass grave suspected to
                                 be the remains of army of-
                               be the remains of army of-
             A for carrying out a                               tors had discovered a mass grave suspected to
                                                                contain the remains of students killed in 1998 as
            A for carrying out a                                contain the remains of students killed in 1998 as
             coup in 1990 against former president Omar al
                                                                they tried escaping military service at a training
            coup in 1990 against former president Omar al       they tried escaping military service at a training
            -Bashir                                             camp.

             Bashir had seized power in a military coup the
            Bashir had seized power in a military coup the
             previous year. In April 1990, the officers had
            previous year. In April 1990, the officers had
             surrounded an army headquarter and several
            surrounded an army headquarter and several
             barracks before being arrested and killed.
            barracks before being arrested and killed.

                Bashir was overthrown last year
             Bashir was overthrown last year
             He went on trial this week over the 1989 coup
            He went on trial this week over the 1989 coup
             which brought him to power
            which brought him to power
             How were the bodies found?
            How were the bodies found?
             The bodies were found in Omdurman, the
            The bodies were found in Omdurman, the
                                                                Where is Bashir now?
             twin city of the capital Khartoum.
                                                                Where is Bashir now?
            twin city of the capital Khartoum.
                                                                Bashir was overthrown last year after months of
             Public prosecutor Tagelsir al-Hebr told AFP
            Public prosecutor Tagelsir al-Hebr told AFP         Bashir was overthrown last year after months of
             news agency that the search for bodies was
                                                                pro-democracy demonstrations. He is currently in
            news agency that the search for bodies was          pro-democracy demonstrations. He is currently in
                                                                prison in Khartoum, having already been convict-
             part of investigations into atrocities committed
            part of investigations into atrocities committed    prison in Khartoum, having already been convict-
             under Bashir’s rule.                               ed of corruption.
            under Bashir’s rule.                                ed of corruption.

                                                                The international criminal court in the Hague also
                                                                                            The international criminal court in the Hague also
                                                                wants to try Bashir for genocide and war crimes
             “It took three weeks and the work of 22 ex-
            “It took three weeks and the work of 22 ex-         wants to try Bashir for genocide and war crimes
                                                                committed in the Darfur, Were 300,000 people
             perts from different fields to locate it.”
            perts from different fields to locate it.”          committed in the Darfur, Were 300,000 people
                                                                Were killed.
             “Operations are under way to dig up the bod-
            “Operations are under way to dig up the bod-        Were killed.
             ies and medical experts will carry out tests to
            ies and medical experts will carry out tests to
             identify the remains “he is quoted as saying by
            identify the remains “he is quoted as saying by
                                                                                               Source BBC Africa
                                                                                                Source BBC Africa
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