Page 42 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 42

45.2 Non-Serious Injury

                          In cases where the injuries sustained are other than of a serious nature, a written report shall be
                          submitted by the employee and the immediate supervisor to the Secretary General and is due
                          on the first workday following the incident.

                          This report shall include the date, location, cause, extent of the injuries, and property damaged.

                          This report is in addition to those accidents and/or sick reports that otherwise may be required

                   45.3 Notification of Off-the Job Death of an Employee

                          Employees receiving notice during regular business hours of the death of any current or retired
                          employee shall notify the Executive Director who will notify the Secretary General and
                          respective supervisor, if applicable, of the death.

                          During non-business hours, the Executive Director shall be notified and he or she shall relay
                          such information to the Secretary General.

                   45.4 Notification of Family (on the job injury, accident, or death)

                          In the event of serious on the job injury, accident, or death of an employee whereby medical
                          transport and attention is needed, the employee’s supervisor/shall immediately notify the
                          Executive Director as to the details of the situation.

                          Upon further guidance from the President or Secretary General, whichever is appropriate, shall
                          notify the family of the situation as early as possible.

                          Notification, however, shall be limited to advising the family (adult member) that their loved
                          one has fallen ill/has had an accident, and is being transported to (hospital location).

                   46 Declaration

                     I,                                                          certify that I have read and
                                           (name and job title)

                    understood the contents of the GNOC Office Policy and Procedures Manual.

                   Signed:  ____________________________________

                   Date: ______________________________________

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