Page 38 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 38

35 Office Equipment

                   The Administrative Assistant is responsible for restocking printers, faxes and photocopiers with
                   paper/cartridges when necessary.

                   All malfunctions of office equipment including computers and phones are to be reported immediately
                   to the Executive Assistant or Administrative Assistant.

                   Employees shall 40utilize GNOC office equipment for its intended purpose and shall not abuse,
                   damage or lose such equipment.  An employee may be charged for damaging or losing property.

                   36 Use of  Office Equipment

                   All staff must complete an Equipment Booking Request Form (Please refer Appendix K – a soft copy
                   of this form is available from the GNOC drop box) to secure any equipment that they may require for
                   their programs.

                   Such equipment that this section refers to but not limited to are:

                       o  AV adaptors
                       o  Country Flags
                       o  Extension Cords & Power Boards
                       o  Laptops
                       o  Portable Projectors & Printers, Laminators
                       o  Cameras

                   The staff member concerned must sign these out in the appropriate register maintained by the
                   Administrative Assistant to the GNOC, before using them and sign them back in at the agreed return

                   Any damaged or lost equipment will incur a charge to be determined by the Program Officer and/or
                   Finance Officer, which will be approved by the Executive Director.

                   37 Asset Register and Inventory

                   A central register is kept of all equipment owned, leased and operated by GNOC.

                   Each piece of equipment has a code attached, which enables GNOC to properly track items and
                   manage depreciation.

                   The Finance Officer processes all coding and is responsible for the upkeep of this register.

                   All new purchases with a value of over $500.00 must be added to the register by the Finance Officer.

                   All items donated to the GNOC Office (paintings, books, carvings etc) must be inventoried.

                   38 Use of  Meeting Rooms

                   Staff members are required to book the use of a meeting room with the Administrative Assistant to
                   GNOC Executive Director to use these rooms.

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