Page 35 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 35

25 Public Statements and Appearances

                   Employees shall not publicly criticize or ridicule GNOC or any of its component policies, Executive
                   Board, member National Olympic Committees or employees, whether by speech, writing or other form
                   of expression that is defamatory, discredits GNOC or the Olympic Movement.

                   All contact with the media is to be undertaken by the President or Secretary General, or the Executive
                   Director in the Secretary General’s absence on all matters related to GNOC.

                   Employees may lecture on GNOC topics only with the prior approval of the President or Secretary

                   26 Gifts, Gratuities or Rewards

                   Employees shall not solicit or accept from any person, business or organization, any gift (including
                   money, tangible or intangible personal property, food, beverage, loan, promise, service or
                   entertainment) for the benefit of the employee or GNOC if it may be reasonably inferred that the
                   person, business or organization:

                       •  Seeks to influence any action of an official nature or seeks to affect the performance or non-
                          performance of any official duty; or

                       •  Has an interest which may be substantially affected directly or indirectly by the performance or
                          non-performance of any official duty.

                   27 Communications

                   27.1 Website
                   Staff are encouraged to contribute to the website in their areas of activity. Appropriate content should
                   be loaded that is professional, with correct spelling and grammar, and that is timely.

                   The web is an invaluable tool in communications with GNOC stakeholders, including athletes,
                   National Olympic Committees, the wider Olympic Movement and Governments and should be treated
                   with the same respect as other forms of communication.

                   28 Office Procedures

                   28.1 Office Recruitment

                   The following is a step-by-step guide to the staff recruitment process:

                       1.  Executive Board or Secretary General determines need for new position or recruitment to
                          vacated position.

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