Page 31 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 31
15 Energy Saving Policy
In order to minimize power bills, staff need to ensure that all electrical equipment (lights, air -
conditioners, fans, computers, power strips) is turned off when they leave work. One air-conditioner
per floor may be left on to avoid any build-up of mold or mildew.
This is each staff member’s responsibility, but whoever is the last to leave work at the end of the day
must ensure that this is done.
16 Workers Compensation
As required by the Laws of Guam and the USA, GNOC has appropriate worker’s compensation
insurance cover.
17 Termination
Either party may terminate employment by giving of notice in writing (the amount set down in the
Letter of Appointment), or in the case of termination by GNOC, payment in lieu, except in the case of
dismissal because of serious misconduct that justifies instant dismissal.
Serious misconduct includes:
• Willful or deliberate behavior by a staff member that is inconsistent with the continuation of
their employment agreement.
• Conduct that brings GNOC into disrepute, reflects discredit upon the employee as a member
of GNOC, or impairs the operation or efficiency of GNOC or the employee.
• Conduct that causes eminent and serious risk to:
iii. The health or safety of a person; or
ii. The reputation or viability of GNOC’s organization
• A staff member, in the course of their employment with GNOC, engaging in:
iv. Theft; or
ii. Fraud; or
v. Assault
• A staff member being intoxicated (under influence of alcohol or drugs) at work; or
• A staff member refusing to carry out a lawful and reasonable instruction that is consistent with
their employment agreement.
Employment may also be terminated on medical grounds, but this shall be subject to written advice
from a General Medical Practitioner.
GNOC Office Policies & Procedures 33