Page 28 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 28
13.3 Sick Leave
Staff are entitled to the 10 working days paid sick leave a year on full pay provided for in the Letter of
Appointment without the loss of pay on account of sickness per annum.
Sick leave is not accumulable, therefore, by the end of 31 December in each year the sick leave
entitlement will end.
Paid sick leave beyond this amount will be at the discretion of the President or Secretary General.
A doctor’s certificate must be produced after (2) day’s consecutive sick absence/leave.
On return to work, employee will be required to complete a Leave Form. This needs to be approved
by the Executive Director, who will then file it to ensure employee is paid any sick leave that employee
is entitled to.
Employee shall not feign illness, falsely report themselves ill or injured, or otherwise attempt to deceive
any staff member as to the condition of their health.
Employee shall not falsely report another person ill or injured, or otherwise attempt to deceive any staff
member as to the condition of another person’s health.
13.4 Family Leave
The employee is entitled to six (6) working days family leave a year. This leave is non-cumulative and is
designed to cover occasions such as spousal, parental or compassionate leave.
In cases where there has been a death or serious illness in the immediate family you should contact the
Executive Director to request for leave.
All requests will be considered and employee may be able to take additional leave up to three (3) days
per year of unpaid leave.
Failure to provide an explanation for employee’s absence from work may result in the non-payment of
any such leave, and in some circumstances, further action and termination.
Immediate family will be defined as ‘father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, father-in-law,
mother-in-law and grandparents.
13.5 Maternity Leave
GNOC grants maternity leave to staff up to a total amount of 60 consecutive working days on full pay.
This may be taken before the baby is born (up to a maximum of 30 working days prior) and afterwards.
If the baby is born the day after the employee finishes work, then 60 days may be taken after birth.
Any additional leave above 60 working days may be considered by GNOC upon application of the
employee and would only be granted as leave without pay.
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