Page 27 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 27
13 Leave Policy
13.1 Annual Leave
You will be entitled to 20 working days of annual leave, which is to be taken by agreement with your
It is a policy of GNOC that employees do not accrue annual leave. Therefore, annual leave
entitlements must be taken by 31 December of each year. Otherwise the staff member forfeits this
In the event of termination of employment any unpaid leave will be null and void.
You must fill out a Leave Application Form (Please refer Appendix B – a soft copy of this form is
available from the GNOC drop box).
Each employee must request for leave, 14 days in advance of requested leave date.
This form must be signed and approved by the Executive Director.
Executive Director will be able to inform employee of any leave time employee has accrued.
GNOC will try at all times to meet any reasonable requests for leave.
Employee should, however, remember that employee is a working as part of a team, therefore,
consideration for co-workers and any existing responsibility is essential.
13.2 Long Service Leave
The concept of long service leave is to 29utilize2929 and reward employees for long periods of
continuous service to GNOC.
An employee who completes a period of continuous service of at least 10 years is entitled to one
additional week’s leave in that year.
For each subsequent 5 years of continuous service, the employee is entitled to a further 1 week of long
service leave.
Only the long service leave weeks can be carried forward – that is, in the 20 year, if no long service
leave has yet been taken, the employee may take them all at the same time in the 20 year (i.e. 3 weeks
in addition to the annual leave they would be entitled to that year).
Staff are required to give at least 28 working days notice, if long service leave is required.
GNOC Office Policies & Procedures 29