Page 30 - GNOC Policies and Procedures Handbook
P. 30

(Please refer Appendix I – a soft copy of this form is available from the GNOC Drop

                          •  And attach this to a Leave Application Form which needs to be completed as they would
                              normally and mark the TIL box on ‘type of leave’ being used.

                       •  The Executive Director will approve these forms and also keep a record of this TIL leave.

                   Office staff will sometimes be required to travel or work after hours or on weekends for conferences,
                   meetings and training sessions, or may be asked to assist at particular events.

                   The Executive Director will ensure these staff members receive appropriate time off for this work
                   based on the above principles and using the above processes.

                   It is important that the TIL leave be taken close to the period where it was accrued so that affected
                   staff are able to benefit from the rest provided by this leave.

                   No more than six (6) days TIL can be accrued during a 12-month period.

                   It is also important to remember that it is a policy of GNOC that employee does not accrue in excess
                   of eight (8) weeks annual leave.

                   13.9 Christmas Break

                   At the discretion of the Secretary General, the break between Christmas and New Year may be
                   provided without requiring leave forms.

                   At this time the Office will close for business.  The Secretary General and Executive Director will
                   review this each year.

                   13.10   Abuse of Leave Privileges

                   Employees are prohibited from abusing leave privileges.   Forms of abuse include, but are not limited
                   to, falsification of illness reports, excessive or unauthorized absences, violations of reporting
                   requirements, etc.

                   14  Occupational Health & Safety

                   GNOC is committed to providing a safe work place for all staff members.

                   We expect that staff accept their responsibility to work safely.  This means working intelligently, with
                   common sense and foresight.

                   All staff are expected to follow the set safety standards, which apply to the Organization and adhere to
                   all rules and regulations as set out by the Laws of Guam and the USA.

                   Staff must report ANY injury immediately.  If you notice a condition or practice that seems unsafe, you
                   should immediately discuss this with Executive Director, or readily correct it yourself if it is personally
                   safe to do so.

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