Page 13 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 13
Mr. Deepak Kumar, mobilized 15 learners
change leader at Purna and 6 out of 15 enrolled
Chandra ITI, Baripada themselves at iti. Apart
is a master in business from that 7 learners
administration, his ca- have been mobilized for
reer spans over a con- Nano unicorn pro-
siderable period of 5 gramme and 4 out of 7
years in various capaci- have been successfully
ties including skill de- cleared the interview
Mr. Swagat Shoo(CL, TTI,Takatpur) velopment sector with and 2 applicants have
many milestones to his completed the interview
Swagat Sahoo was born on only son to his parents which credit. Deepak started and planning to setup
the 4 of June 1995 in Od- made the situation challeng- working with an educa- their business once the
isha, working as an ES facili- ing to part himself between tional institute in 2015 fund will allocate to
tator in TATA Strive. Com- responsibility and duty. The and in 2016 joined them. The story of
pleted BTech from BPUT torch of guidance showered Dr.Reddy’s foundation Deepak is endless, as
and MBA from Utkal Univer- by Chidananda Sir, Project
sity in HR. He says, “I was Manager Zone-1, TATA and in 2018 joined tata he has portrayed him-
very much surprised when I Strive helped to get deter- strive. he says, “I love self as a man with
got to know that my story will mined for Dharma & karma. cycling, visiting new blessed dynamic soul.
be published in this newslet- Swagat again says, “Every places and reading
ter so thanks to the team for cloud has a silver lining so books, of course you
considering me as a role in the COVID–19 situation can call me a book-
model. I have worked in two TATA Strive showed us the aholic”. His greatest
companies before I join in possibility to face the dark- achievement is that he
TATA Strive. My first organi- ness, I developed my lead- conducted training of
zation was the worse class ership skill and through trainer’s program at ITI
of my life because being a Gyandhara sessions, work-
technical guy soft skill was ing with content development all alone which was ap-
not my cup of tea, but thank team proved me as a best preciated by principal,
to my first organization content PPT maker. Count- PCITI, Baripada. Com-
(IACM) exposing my inner ing on initiatives been tak- ing to his inspiring ef-
strength. With 3 years of ex- en in our ITI like set-up a forts he added, “I have
perience in learning and de- DIC (Design Incubation Cen-
velopment (L&D) I joined in tre), TOT program for ITI
TATA Strive 2020 and work staff and publishing maga-
in 2 ITI’s of Baripada (PCITI zine of Human Impact Story,
& TTI, Takatpur). For the first SOS & DIC. I also get appre-
30 days, I worked in PCITI ciation from principal sir and
then transferred to TTI, Ta- Project Manager for this
katpur and It was a big chal- work. Thanks to TATA Strive
lenge for me as it’s bigger for installing leadership skills,
than PCITI with 1050 capaci- Managerial skills in me, feel-
ty. Fortunately, I met with ing proud to be part of such a
Mangal sir who is very friend- big mission”. Swagat is the
ly in nature who assisted me ideal inspiration for all
in every step and I learned a Change Leaders. “Yes
lot from him”. Unfortunately, someone among us can do
COVID heat the nation sud- this, Why not me”.
denly and it was the big turn Mr. Deepak Kumar (CL, PCITI)
of Swagat’s life as he is the