Page 11 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 11


                                     TTI, TAKATPUR

                                     Name: Gopabandhu Mandal
                                     Trade: Welder

                                     Course Duration: 2018-19
                                     Address: Kudia, Balasore, Odisha

           Toughest Soul, Mr.Gopabandhu, working in    Maruti Suzuki Motors Pvt Ltd. located at Gujrat as  a  Weld-
           er  Technician  with  a  salary  of  2.1  lac  per  annum. The ITI ecosystem had contributed a lot. Despite
           poverty, struggling for each penny after mother’s death and father’s accident, served in marriages for
           money, inside ITI  gate,  he  forgot  all,  and  do  the  classes mindfully.

           “It is never the first strike on a rock that breaks it. It is a result of  several strikes. Do not give up”

             SIPT, PATTAMUNDAI                    GOVT. ITI, CUTTACK             GOVERMENT.

           My  Name  is  Biswaranjan  Das.  I  am   Name: Mr.Chandan Kumar       ITI,DHENKANAL
           studying at SIPT Govt. ITI Pattamun-  Sahoo                           Name: Mr.Gyanendra Dhar-
           dai  in  Electrician  trade  (2nd  Year).                             Trade: Electrician
           After attending TATA STRIVE class, I   Trade: MMV                     Course:2015-17
           had improved a lot of things in me.
           Previously I had no Idea what to do   Course Duration: 2017-19        Address: Kumusi, Dhenkanal,
           in  my  life  but  after  attending   Address: Haladia,Cutack,Odisha   Odisha
           “SMART  GOAL”  class,  I  came  to                                    Unstoppable  Hero,  Gyanendra
           know that how important is to set a   The Brightest Star, Mr.Chandan,   Dhar  is  working  with  Gayatri
           Goal to improve and go ahead in my   Just after completion of ITI in the   Construction Ltd, with a salary of
           life. With the help of my facilitator, I   year 2019, Chandan got recruit-  20,000  as  a  site  Engineer  in
           set  my  goal  in  long  term  basis  and   ed in ZOLO company in Banglo-  Dhenkanal.  Pursuing  ITI  has
           divided it into short term goal. Now   re as a Property Manager earn-
           am  looking  forward  to  achieve  the   ing Rs17000 per month with ad-  built self-confidence with dedica-
           short  term  goal.I  suggest  to  all  my                             tion and made him ready to face
           friends to set their SMART GOAL to   ditional facilities because of hav-  any  challenges  of  Life.  Early
           go forward in their life.            ing  good  convincing  and  com-  days were painful for Gyanendra
                                                munication skill. By helping 3 of   as  he  had  to  survive  without
              Thanks to you my ITI, TATA STRIVE   his  village  friends  to  give  job  in   meal for a full day and ended up
           and my Facilitator for providing me   the  same  company  proved  him-  sleeping  by  drinking  water.  To
           this opportunity!!!!                 self as a role model.            deposit tuition fees for I.T.I, Gya-

              Thanks to you my ITI, TATA STRIVE   “The purpose of life is not only to   nendra did some private tuitions
           and my Facilitator for providing me   be happy but to be useful, hon-  too. And today he is much deter-
           this opportunity!!!!                 ourable,  compassionate  and  to   mined  to  achieve  his  ultimate
                                                make  some  difference  to  lived   goal to get a Job in Indian Rail-
                                                well and let other live well.”    ways as an Engineer.

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