Page 7 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 7
Mr.Chidananda Mallik, Project Manager Zone-1, Special Pro-
jects (Odisha State), TATA STRIVE, after earning vivid experi-
ence in various leading Multinational Companies, decided to
dedicate his skills and talent for the transformation of the nation
by empowering the youth of our country. Leader of a team com-
prising 23 highly potential Change leaders actively working in 10
ITI’s says, “About this newsletter, upon which my team has
worked hard relentlessly, is not only a campaign to communi-
cate notifications about institutes activities and development but
it also targets the aspiring students”.
Mr.Lala Niranjan Ray, Project Manager Zone-2, Special Projects
(Odisha State), TATA STRIVE, As per his voice, “Education is a
lifelong process”. The purpose of training is to open up a closed
mind, our Change Leaders are committed to provide the students
with quality education and build leaders of tomorrow, I feel proud to
express that the ITI’s are performing extremely well in all the as-
pects to ensure academic and human excellence in a long run
which could be visible through this Newsletter.
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind
to think. ”– Albert Einstein
Smruti Ranjan Mallick, Project Manager Zone-2, Special
Projects (Odisha State), TATA STRIVE, known as the man
of wisdom and intellectuality shares his wishes saying that
“Newsletter is like a mirror which reflects the clear picture of
all sorts of activities undertaken by our ITI and develops
skills among students. I congratulate the editorial board of
this newsletter who have played a wonderful role in accom-
plishing the task in record time, also my heartfelt congratula-
tions to staff members and students for their fruitful effort.
with best wishes.”
Itishree Das, Project Manager Zone-3, Special Projects (Odisha
State), TATA STRIVE, PGDM scholar with a vivid experience of 10
years in the specialized field says that, “It’s a great pride and enthu-
siasm that, our change leaders are Striving with a mission to leave
no stone unturned to ensure a successful learning environment that
allows every learner to thrive as an individual. We value collabora-
tive learning and a growth mind set amongst our learners to get
engage in the world of the future with expected skills, attributes,
and capabilities. All the efforts put by our change leaders have
been framed in words in this newsletter”.