Page 10 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 10
Name: Mr.Abinash Nayak
Trade: MMV
Course of duration: 2019-2021
Adress: Bagaldiha, Amarda, Balasore, Odisha
Abinash the Aspirer, has got selected in TATA Motors in Bhawanipatna and is un-
der training as a machine operator. After the completion of the training he is as-
sured of Rs.10000/- salary per month. Abinash’s father met with an accident mak-
ing mother staying away from them and work in Balasore town. . Pursuing ITI has
built up a confidence in him. He is learning to face challenges in a positive way. He is now heading towards to
achieve his goal for a better future for himself and his family.
Name:Rashmirekha Sahoo. Name: Mr.Dipuna Maharana- Name: Ms.Niharika Giri
Village:Barigaon Trade: Electronics Mechanic- Trade: Sewing Technology
Course Duration: 2017-19
Dist: Keonjhar. Course Duration: 2018-19
Address: Anandapur,
Course: Sewing Technology, Keonjhar, Odisha Address: Tamalbandh, Mayur-
bhanj, Odisha
After the completion of the train- Mind set made the difference, Nothing is Impossible, Niharika
ing she is assured of Rs.12000/- Dipuna Maharana got employed Giri, after completion of Training
salary per month. She is working at TATA STEEL, Kalinga Nagar in Sewing Technology Trade
in Gram Tarang, Keonjhar. She in apprenticeship program. Now from PCITI, Baripada she gave
interview and got a job in Kitex
got placed right after completing he helps his family financially Ltd., Keral. Now she is working
with Rs. 4000/- in every month
Tata STRIVE program. as a Checker in this company
from his total salary. He has now and earns a monthly salary of
become a role-model for many Rs. 12,000 per month. Crossed
aspirants in his village. Coming financial and mental pain due to
from a family of farmers of very Bad Economic Condition of her
limited means, he always tried family but showed the Courage
hard to continue his education and went Keral to do the job.
despite of unstable financial con- This journey was not easy as it
dition of his family. seems but nothing is impossi-
“Where there is a will there is a