Page 12 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 12
Name: Mr.Manoj Kumar Sahoo
Trade: Electrician
Course Duration: 2016-18
Address: Arakhabadi, cuttack, Odisha
Living the Dreams, Mr.Manoj runs an Electrical workshop in Sankarpur, Cuttack, famous for his quick
service to the customers. In terms of business earns 15,000/- per month as a return. Belonging to an
economically disadvantaged family devastated him in his early stage of study and career. After joining
MITI he improved his interest in electrical components and machineries aside was able to fix the electri-
cal equipment of ITI also from the nearby society. Manoj is one of the millions of successful aspirants
who has obtained better livelihood opportunities from the Skilled in Odisha training initiative through
Madhusudan, ITI.
Dipak Bhoi has been working at Maruti Suzuki, Gujurat and get-
ting 18,800/- per month. His family was completely dependent
on his father’s only income through cultivation but after getting
GOVERNMENT ITI enrolled in ITI Jajpur in Fitter Trade, he was supervised and
mentored by our efficient faculties from both trade and ES. He
JAJPUR says, “One thing that is stopping you from being successful is
Name: Mr. Dipak Bhoi YOU”. Getting a job was a life changing event due to which he
is now standing as a strong pillar for his family, despite of being
Trade: Fitter from a small village he has reached so far to Gujarat, a long
way journey with a wish to touch the sky.
Course Duration: 2017-19
Address: Karajang, Jajpur,