Page 8 - PULSE- Z1 News Letter
P. 8


                                                     “The first day in Cuttack ITI changed my perception towards life
                                                     and career. Even after achieving my bachelor’s degree in Sci-
                                                     ence  stream  from  a  renowned  college  of  Kanpur,  Uttar  Pra-
                                                     desh, I was determined to join Indian Railway as a Technical
                                                     Operator  and  this  dream  leads me to  join  one  of  the  premier
                                                     institutes of Odisha-Government ITI Cuttack. I have never com-
                                                     peted in any interschool events but here I have gained courage
                                                     and  competed  in various  inter  ITI  events  conducted  by  TATA
                                                     STRIVE and succeeded in winning in a row”.


                    “Online classes are new normal with its certain merits and demer-
                    its.  Direct  interaction,  physical  activities,  skill  development  are
                    done in new way. Mr. Swagat, our employability skill trainer builds
                    our confidence to face the challenges. TTI may be an accidental
                    approach for me but it has done many good things for me. I ex-
                    plore myself and learned new things about myself. Apart from the
                    offline  classes  we  had  many  role  model  sessions,  We  had  also
                    some guest lecture sessions where we got some guidance for our
                    future life”.

                                                   PYARELAL MARANDI, FITTER TRADE, ITI TAKATPUR

                                                      “I had    no Idea about what is communication skill and how
                                                      it will help me in my career I came to know about it from
                                                      my employability skill sessions by facilitators from TATA
                                                      STRIVE. Today, I feel so confident about my communica-
                                                      tion skills that  I can speak in English with anybody and
                                                      everybody. The things which we learn in classes will defi-
                                                      nitely help us in our future. Thanks to you my ITI, TATA
                                                      STRIVE  and  my  Facilitator  for  providing  me  this  oppor-


                    “It was a great experience for me when I joined online clas-
                    ses and also attended guest lecture session and role mod-
                    el session. The first day at ITI was amazing for me when I
                    met with my all the trainers physically they motivated me
                    to do hard work to get the Success in My career. The Em-
                    ployability  Skills  Trainers  helped  me  to  build  my  confi-
                    dence to face the challenges and I also learned to explore
                    myself.  I  have  been  enjoying  activity  and  Project  based
                    learning  in  Employability  Skill  Classes  and  now  I  am  be-
                    coming expert in my domain training too. Thank You!”

          PAGE NO.6                                       ARPAN KUMAR SAHU, COPA TRADE, PCITI, BARIPADA
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