Page 392 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 392
If a non-exempt Employee is consistently unable to take a one-hour lunch break due to LSBA business
needs, he/she must promptly notify his/her supervisor or the Executive Director.
Full-time non-exempt Employees are also entitled to one 10-minute break each morning and one 10-
minute break each afternoon. Break periods may not be added to an Employee’s meal period to
lengthen it, nor skipped to shorten an Employee’s work hours, and may not be accumulated for use at
another time. Employees who are consistently unable to take a break during the work day due to
LSBA business needs should notify his/her supervisor or the Executive Director.
The Employee’s supervisor will designate the specific times for individual Employee’s meal and break
periods. Meal and break periods will be managed with consideration of the needs of the LSBA’s
business operations first.
The LSBA will make all reasonable efforts to provide an Employee who is currently nursing an infant
or small child with reasonable break periods to express milk in private in a designated area. To the
extent possible, an Employee should use regularly scheduled break and meal periods for this purpose.
However, if additional break periods are required, the Employee should promptly notify her
supervisor. Additional break periods, however, will be unpaid.
The LSBA is obligated to keep an accurate record of the hours worked each day by its non-exempt
(hourly-paid) Employees. All non-exempt Employees are required to record their hours worked each
day via a timesheet or other assigned method for tracking and recording time. Each Employee should
keep an accurate record of his or her time. All timesheets must be personally completed and signed by
the Employee or his/her supervisor, as circumstances warrant.
Employees should sign-in no earlier than seven minutes prior to his or her scheduled time. Employees
should be prepared to begin work at his/her scheduled time. Employees should sign-out no later than
seven minutes following the end of his or her work day. Any hours worked in excess of an
Employee’s normal work hours must be authorized in advance by his/her supervisor or the Executive
If an Employee forgets to properly record his/her work time, he/she should promptly report this to
his/her supervisor so the Employee’s time record can be accurately updated. Likewise, if an Employee
becomes aware of an error on his/her timesheet or time record, he/she must promptly report the error to
his/her supervisor. Necessary corrections will be made by the supervisor.
Any regular full-time non-exempt Employee reporting to work as scheduled, who is not permitted to
work due to circumstances beyond the control of the LSBA and the Employee, will be provided at least
one hour of work and/or pay, unless state or local laws govern otherwise. The LSBA will attempt to
timely notify an Employee of any necessary change to his/her work schedule.