Page 394 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 394
Make-up time is when an Employee works additional hours on one work day to make up for time
missed or anticipated to be missed on another work day in the same work week.
An Employee must submit all requests for make-up time, in writing and in advance, to his/her
supervisor or the Executive Director. Approval of such requests is at the discretion of the LSBA, and
will be made in accordance with the business needs of the LSBA.
If an Employee, in the course of employment for the LSBA, is required or permitted to travel for
purposes that benefit the business needs of the LSBA, the travel time for working time shall be paid as
working time in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. When an Employee is required to
begin or end his/her work day at a location other than the LSBA office, travel time in excess of the
Employee’s normal commuting time will be paid as working time in accordance with the Fair Labor
Standards Act.
Performance Expectations
The LSBA expects that every Employee will act in a professional manner at all times. Satisfactory
performance of job duties and responsibilities is key to this expectation. Employees should attempt to
achieve their job objectives, and act with diligence and consideration at all times. Poor job
performance may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Performance Appraisals
The LSBA may periodically review an Employee’s job performance. The goal of a performance
appraisal is to identify areas where an Employee excels and areas that need improvement.
Performance appraisals may also be used for employment-related issues, such as determining pay
increases, promotions and/or performance improvement plans.
Performance appraisals are based on merit, achievements as an LSBA Employee, and other factors,
including but not limited to: Quality of work, attitude, knowledge of job tasks, job skills, attendance
and punctuality, teamwork and cooperation, compliance with LSBA policies, past performance
appraisals, improved job performance, and acceptance of responsibility and constructive feedback.
Performance appraisals do not guarantee a pay increase or promotion, nor do they alter an Employee’s
at-will employment status. Written performance appraisals may be issued at any time to advise an
Employee of unacceptable performance and required improvements. Performance appraisals or any
subsequent change in employment status, position or pay will not alter the Employee’s at-will
employment relationship with the LSBA.
Employees will have the opportunity to review their performance appraisals and to discuss them with
the completing supervisor. Employees will also have the opportunity to identify performance goals