Page 20 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
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MEMBER NEWS                                                             FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JANUARY 2023

        Lansing Area Safety Council: Keeping Lansing Safe

               id you know that for the last                    and a new building. This past June, Rita LaMoreaux
               83 years, Lansing has had                        took the reins as Executive Director. During the last
       Dan organization whose sole                              six months, she has worked to build new partnerships
        responsibility is to keep Lansing                       within our region. On November 1st, the Safety Council
        safe? The Lansing Area Safety                           moved from their long-time building on South
        Council was formed in 1939 as an                        Pennsylvania to 809 Center Street to reinforce the
        offshoot of the Safety Committee of                     commitment to being the central resource for Lansing
        the Lansing Chamber of Commerce                         safety. The new training center will give greater access
        to create community-wide safety                         for both in-person and virtual training programs.
        initiatives. The Safety Council today   LaMoreaux
        lives by the principle of bringing                      May 2023 will usher in the return of the Safety Patrol
        together leaders in police, fire, education, business,   Picnic celebrated by our local student safeties for over
        corporations, and community volunteers to direct the    70 years. In September, look out for an awards gala to
        path and mission.                                       celebrate our local heroes in safety.

        The mission of the Safety Council is to provide safety   The Safety Council is currently reinventing and
        education programs and serve as a resource hub to       developing more community programs for basic safety
        greater Lansing by providing tools and resources to     training. Workforce safety programs and certifications
        create a culture of safety for our citizens. The goal is to   are being expanded, with local instructors developing
        promote safety through education for our workforce,     programs tailored to fit Going Pro Talent dollars. Check
        community, and schools.                                 out the current workforce and community classes at
        The Lansing Area Safety Council is now embarking on
        its next 83 years serving Lansing with new leadership

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