Page 22 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
P. 22

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                     FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  JANUARY 2023

        NEW HIRES                            superintendent for career &           inspections to identify the presence
                                             technical education. He fills         of asbestos, lead, mold, and other
                          Michigan           the position previously held by       hazardous waste and oversees
                          Certified          Kathleen Szuminski, who retired       hazardous abatement projects to
                          Development        after 40 years of service.            ensure contractors comply with
                          Corporation                                              regulatory agencies.
                          (MCDC) is                            Jennifer Wolfe
                          pleased to                           Howard has          Kelley Cawthorne, the Midwest's
                          announce the                         joined Ele's        foremost multi-client lobbying
                          addition of Eric                     Place, Inc.         firm, continued its expansion
                          Maly as senior                       as the new          in the Michigan market with
                          loan officer for                     president/CEO.      the addition of experienced
                          the Northern                         Since 2020,         government relations professional
        Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Maly                      Wolf Howard         Christin Nohner. She officially
        will have an office in Traverse City,                  has served as       joined the firm on December 12th
        where he lives with his wife of 35   Wolfe Howard      the assistant       after a career as a multi-client
        years.                                                 director of the     lobbyist, association lobbyist, and
                                             Geriatrics Center Community           congressional staffer. During that
                          Luke Wright        Programs and the director of the      time, she has developed expertise
                          joins Triterra     Turner Senior Wellness Program        in a number of issue areas,
                          as a senior        with Michigan Medicine.               including energy, the environment,
                          industrial                                               criminal justice, and agriculture.
                          hygienist,                           Union Bank
                          working as                           has added
                          a part of the                        Stephanie
                          industrial                           Griffin, vice
                          hygiene team.                        president,
                          Wright acquired                      treasury
                          a bachelor's                         management
        degree in geology from Calvin                          director. Griffin,
        University in Grand Rapids. Wright                     a Certified
        focuses on lead inspections/risk     Griffin           Public Fund
        assessments, asbestos building                         Investment
        inspections, mold investigations,    Manager, will focus on strategic      Edge Partnerships, a strategic
        and radon assessments.               initiatives to successfully drive new   marketing and public relations
                                             business with product roadmap         company, understands the critical
                          Kentwood           development, market research, and     need to attract and retain talent in
                          Office Furniture   data analysis to help support local   Michigan. With this in mind, Edge's
                          announced          businesses and build the bank's       newest hire, Dustin Burkman,
                          that Rick Allor    brand throughout the various          joins the team for a marketing,
                          has joined         markets it serves.                    visual content internship. Burkman,
                          the company                                              a senior at Northern Michigan
                          as general                           Vince Fountain      University, is pursuing a degree in
                          manager in                           joins Triterra      social media design management.
                          their Lansing                        as an industrial
                          and Detroit                          hygienist,          AWARDS
                          offices. Allor                       working as
        comes with extensive experience                        a part of the       Peckham received the Community
        in the contract furniture industry.                    industrial          Impact Award during the Michigan
        Most recently, he was a regional                       hygiene team.       Manufacturers Association
        sales director at Staples Business                     Fountain            MFG Excellence Awards. The
        Advantage.                           Fountain          worked in the       MFG Community Impact award
                                                               construction/       recognizes a manufacturing
        Vlad Lebedintsev, Ed.S., MBA,        restoration industry for around       business that has shown
        a seasoned educator and career       12 years and began his industrial     exemplary leadership in serving its
        preparation expert, joined           hygiene career in 2019. Fountain      community or state. Peckham was
        Eaton Regional Education             performs pre-renovation/pre-          recognized for its commitment to
        Service Agency as the assistant      demolition hazardous material         community service and advancing

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