Page 24 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
P. 24
Americorps Economic Opportunity
Coaching program.
Elayna Creed, operations manager to Financial Transformation.
of the State Room Restaurant, The Alphonse Desjardins Award
Sparrow Carson Hospital is proud was awarded the Emerging recognizes credit unions for their
to recognize Leslie Bliss from Hospitality Leader of the Year excellence and leadership in adult
Sparrow Medical Group Greenville award at the Michigan Restaurant and youth financial literacy and
as its Caregiver of the Quarter. Bliss and Lodging Association 2022 Stars education. LAFCU was honored
has been part of the SMG Greenville of the Industry Awards dinner on for its innovative adult personal
team for the past nine years and November 9th. finance course, which is now in its
is an example of the highly skilled second cohort.
caregivers who provide leading-
edge medicine at Sparrow. She Delta Township is proud to have
works as a referral coordinator, received the Government Finance
ensuring patients are scheduled for Officers Association Distinguished
testing and appointments for their Budget Presentation Award. The
specialized care. award represents a significant
achievement by the Township
and reflects the commitment of
the governing body and staff to
meeting the highest principles
of governmental budgeting. To
Engineering News-Record (ENR) receive the budget award, the
Midwest has awarded McLaren entity had to satisfy nationally
Greater Lansing an Award of recognized guidelines for effective
Merit in its 2022 Best Projects budget presentation. These
competition. An independent guidelines are designed to assess
panel of Application Engineering how well the Township's budget
Company experts reviewed a total serves as a policy document, a
Sparrow Eaton Hospital has of 64 projects. Of those projects, 13 financial plan, an operations guide,
honored a highly skilled nurse with received Best Projects recognition and a communications device.
its first-ever DAISY Award after she and ten received Awards of
comforted an autistic child who Merit across 16 categories. The DISTINCTIONS
was uneasy about undergoing project consolidated two existing
surgery. Surgery nurse Emily Lansing hospitals into a new Rehmann, a fully integrated
Bradford, RN, was named the 562,000-square-foot hospital professional advisory firm, has
DAISY Award honoree based on a adjacent to Michigan State been named to the Accounting &
nomination from a family member University. The nine-story, 240-bed Financial Women's Alliance 2022
of a patient for her compassion hospital is nestled within a 39-acre, Best CPA Firms for Women list, as
and attentiveness to the autistic $601 million healthcare campus. well as the 2022 Best CPA Firms for
child. Bradford, who has worked Equity Leadership. This is the firm's
at Sparrow Eaton since 2016, was The Credit Union National tenth time being named on the
recognized for her compassionate Association (CUNA) has awarded Best CPA Firms for Women list, and
care, outstanding nursing skills, LAFCU with the 2022 state-level the third consecutive year it's been
and for always putting patients Alphonse Desjardins Award for named a Best CPA Firm for Equity
first. its comprehensive, eight-month Leadership.
personal financial course, Pathway