Page 23 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
P. 23                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        the manufacturing industry in                                                               named a
        the Lansing, Flint, and Charlotte                                                           2022 Salute to
        regions.                                                                                    Diversity Award
                                                                                                    recipient by
                                                                                                    Corp! Magazine.
                                                                                                    Etchison was
                                                                                                    recognized for
                                                                                                    her efforts as the
                                                                                                    credit union's
                                                                                   Ellsworth Etchison
                                                                                                    first chief
                                                                                   diversity officer, a position she has
                                             McLaren Greater Lansing nurse         held since 2020 while maintaining
                                             Rita Ashcroft was honored with        her role as LAFCU's chief marketing
        Consumers Credit Union's             the DAISY Award for Extraordinary     officer.
        vice president of organizational     Nurses. Ashcroft was recognized
        development Kristen Davidson         by hospital leadership and co-        Peckham received the National
        was recently honored with the        workers and received a certificate    Service Impact Award during the
        HRUnite! Ambassador Award            commending her for being an           Governor's Service Awards on Nov.
        from a competitive nomination        "Extraordinary Nurse," as well as a   17. Governor Gretchen Whitmer
        pool of HR professionals all over    sculpture called "A Healer's Touch,"   and the Michigan Community
        the country. The esteemed award      hand-carved by artists of the Shona   Service Commission celebrated
        recognizes an individual who         people in Zimbabwe.                   46 individuals, businesses, and
        tirelessly volunteers their time                                           nonprofit organizations who are
        to promote the HR community          Kelli Ellsworth Etchison, LAFCU's     leaders in volunteerism, service,
        in a program that encourages         chief marketing officer and chief     or philanthropy. Peckham was
        professional development.            diversity officer, was recently       recognized for its success with the

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