Page 21 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
P. 21                                                                         MEMBER NEWS

        Maner Costerisan Supports Eight Nonprofits as Part of

        Firm’s Annual Day of Impact


                aner Costerisan                                                               and commitment
                team members                                                                  to our students was
       Mvolunteered                                                                           phenomenal.”
        at eight Lansing
        and Grand Rapids                                                                      Maner Costerisan, along
        nonprofits as part of                                                                 with five of the eight
        its fifth annual Maner                                                                nonprofits, are Lansing
        Costerisan Cares Day                                                                  Regional Chamber
        of Impact. The event                                                                  members, including
        is held on the first                                                                  the Greater Lansing
        Thursday of November                                                                  Food Bank, Junior
        each year as part of                                                                  Achievement of Mid-
        the firm’s Maner Cares                                                                Michigan, Tri-Counting
        community relations                                                                   Office on Aging, and
        program.                                                                              Habitat for Humanity
                                                                                              Capital Region.
        “Maner Cares Day is an
        event our team looks                                                                 “While volunteering with
        forward to every year,”                                                               Junior Achievement, I
        said Trey Williams, CPA,                                                              had the opportunity
        president of Maner                                                                    to teach a fourth-
        Costerisan. “It was truly                                                             grade class about
        a rewarding experience                                                                entrepreneurism, how
        for all of us.”                                                                       regional resources
                                                                                              influence how
        Maner Costerisan, a                                                                   businesses work
        full-service public                                                                   and thrive, and how
        accounting, technology,                                                               businesses work
        and business                                                                          together locally and
        consulting firm, has                                                                  across the globe,”
        offices in Lansing and                                                                said Sarah Jennings,
        Grand Rapids. Between                                                                 CPA, CFE, CEA,
        four and 20 team                                                                      principal and head of
        members volunteered                                                                   Maner’s community
        at each nonprofit                                                                     development initiatives.
        location, including                                                                  “It was such a fun
        the Greater Lansing                                                                   experience and the
        Food Bank, Junior                                                                     entire Maner team is
        Achievement, Tri-                                                                     overjoyed to be able
        County Office on Aging,                                                               to contribute to the
        Habitat for Humanity                                                                  important work that
        Capital Region and Mid-Michigan Recovery Services in    nonprofits like Junior Achievement do across the state.”
        Lansing, and Junior Achievement, Senior Neighbors and
        the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Grand Rapids and    Maner Costerisan was named one of Crain’s Detroit’s 2022
        surrounding areas.                                      Cool Places to Work in September and continues to be
                                                                recognized for its positive work culture and a top midsize
        “We were so proud to partner with volunteers from       and large firm to work for nationwide by prominent
        Maner Costerisan to bring financial literacy principles   industry publications such as “Accounting Today.” Many
        to our area students,” said Laura Lutterbeck, interim   of those accolades result from staff feedback and surveys,
        education director, Junior Achievement of the Michigan   and much of that feedback is based on events and
        Great Lakes. “Their employees’ enthusiasm, dedication,   activities such as Maner Cares Day. l

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