Page 25 - LRCC January 2023 Focus
P. 25


                                             Origami Rehabilitation has                             The Arc of Mid-
                                             received the highest level of                          Michigan for
                                             accreditation (three-year) following                   many years. Over
                                             a thorough survey conducted by                         the past year,
                                             the Commission on Accreditation                        he has made a
                                             of Rehabilitation Facilities. Origami                  huge impact by
                                             was recognized for its serene and                      assisting with
                                             therapeutic environment, tenured,                      dances, planning
                                             passionate team, variety of unique                     special events
                                             specialty services, and for being     Bendall          at the Owosso
                                             a "one-stop-shop" for all things                       Knights of
                                             rehabilitation.                       Columbus and with their Operation
                                                                                   Friendship program. Because of
                                                                                   Bendall, Arc members have been
                                                                                   able to enjoy events this year that
                                                                                   would not have been possible

                                                                                   Michigan State University's
                                                                                   Burgess Institute for
                                                                                   Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                                                                                   has been recognized as a leader
                                                                                   in entrepreneurship education by
                                                                                   the Princeton Review for a fifth
                                                                                   consecutive year. MSU comes
                                             Shock and appreciation flooded        in at No. 21 on The Princeton
                                             Allison Altenberger-Olson when        Review's new rankings and stands
                                             she was notified of her Michigan      among the top 25 undergraduate
                                             Lottery Excellence in Education       entrepreneurship programs in the
            A Leadership                     award. She is the first Mason         nation. Significant investment in
             Book with a                     Public Schools teacher to receive     MSU's program since its inception
                                                                                   in 2012 has fostered a culture
                                             the award, which includes a
         TWIS T                              $1,500 cash prize as well as a $500   of innovation at the university,
                                                                                   attracting the attention of
                                             classroom stipend. Altenberger-
                                             Olson has taught Special Education
                                                                                   alumni venturers. MSU's minor in
                                             at North Aurelius Elementary          talented, motivated students and
                                             School for the past five years.       Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                                             To further commemorate her            began in 2016 and continues to be
                                             dedication to students, her school,   one of the fastest-growing minors
                                             and the Mason community, City         in the university's history.
                                             of Mason Mayor Russell Whipple
                                             proclaimed Nov. 30, 2022, as "Allison   PROMOTIONS
                                             Altenberger-Olson Day" and
                                             presented her with a certificate
                                             marking the occasion.

                                             Rehmann is pleased to announce
                                             that advisors Steven Gibson, CFA,
                                             and Simon Micakaj, CFPA, C(K)P,
                                             have been named to the National
                                             Association of Plan Advisors’ 2023
         Author: Ross Woodstock              list of “Top 100 Retirement Plan
              Executive Coach and            Advisors Under 40.”
             Leadership Consultant                                                 Pictured left to right: Melissa Nay, Lori
                                                                                   Lanspeary, Anne Lavender, Valeri Gill,
                Available on Amazon          The Arc of Mid-Michigan sends a       and Brandie Putnam.
                                             huge thank you and shout out to
                                             this year's Volunteer of the Year     The Greater Lansing Convention
                                             Gary Bendall, who has supported       and Visitors Bureau is pleased to

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