Page 16 - Lusi Wong Library Annual Report, May 2016 – April 2017
P. 16


                                                  LIBRARY PROJECTS
            Master of Social Work Capstone

            The capstone presentation is a student-directed demonstration of beginning Master’s level practitioner
            competence developed over the student’s career, a chronicle of career development and reflection,
            and a glimpse into the students’ professional future learning through a plan for continued growth. It is
            a scholarly and creative collection of artifacts accumulated through course work, field practicum, and
            daily experiences that demonstrate the student’s ability to articulate a model of practice and sense of
            the integration of the domains of professional social work. The capstone presentation culminates in all
            students sharing their learning. The Library worked with the School of Social Work to digitize all MSW
            Capstone video presentations and preserve at the RSpace Capstone Collection

            RSpace project

                                                               RSpace ( is an open
                                                               access institutional repository provided by the
                                                               Lusi Wong Library for scholarly research produced
                                                               by members of the Renison University College
                                                               community. It enables members of the Renison
                                                               University College community to post, organize
                                                               and preserve their research and publications
                                                               online. After 16 months of planning, the project
                                                               was officially launched in January, 2017. The
                                                               project has interested several schools and faculty
                                                               in E-publishing, especially for self-archiving, E-
                                                               portfolio, knowledge management, and  learning
                                                               objects. It is currently houses more than 140

                                                               On February 4 2017 at the Ontario Library

                                                               Association Super Conference 2017, Tony Tin’s
            presentation, “RSpace: A Responsive Institutional Repository That Supports University Research” was
            well received by the conference participants.
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