Page 42 - Green Finance 2024
P. 42

IV. Main findings and discussion

                     4.1. Green finance education needs and demand of students

                     4.1.1. General awareness and understanding of green finance

                     The  varied  levels  of  awareness  about  green  finance  among  university  students  in
                     Vietnam are indicative of the nascent stage of green finance education in the country. A

                     significant  20.7%  of  students  have  never  heard  of  green  finance,  suggesting  a

                     considerable gap in basic financial education. This gap is crucial because awareness is

                     the first step towards understanding and adoption. On the other hand, 5.3% of students

                     who have a clear understanding represent a small but potentially influential group that
                     could spearhead green finance initiatives and influence their peers. The middle ground,

                     where 41% of students have a neutral understanding, is particularly interesting (Figure

                     2). This group represents a significant potential for educational programs to make a

                     meaningful impact. Their basic awareness is a foundation that can be built upon through

                     targeted educational interventions. However, this also suggests that current exposure to
                     green finance, perhaps through general media or peripheral mentions in coursework, is

                     insufficient for a comprehensive understanding.

                                 Figure 2. Have you ever heard of the term “green finance”?

                     The  survey  results  regarding  specific  green  finance  instruments  paint  a  picture  of
                     selective familiarity  among students. For instance, green private  equity is somewhat

                     better understood, which might be due to its more frequent inclusion in mainstream

                     financial discussions or its more direct link to visible projects and companies. However,

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