Page 54 - Green Finance 2024
P. 54
While two out of fifteen interviewees refrained from commenting on the current state of
green finance education due to insufficient information, the remaining participants
unanimously agree that green finance has not been formally incorporated into university
education programs. While some universities have partially integrated green finance
content into certain courses, the coverage remains limited.
One educator shared:
“Green finance is still a relatively new and evolving topic in Vietnam, requiring in-depth
research and comparisons with international experiences. Current knowledge is mostly
introductory, focusing on evaluating pilot projects and potential future directions in
various fields.”
Although some educators have attempted to incorporate their knowledge of green
finance into their teaching, this approach has not been standardized and depends on
individual instructors’ expertise:
“At present, education and teaching on green finance at my university are optional and
depend on the knowledge, experience, and level of interest of the instructors.”
“Currently, knowledge related to green finance is only introduced through teaching
materials provided by individual instructors. Teaching green finance has not been
formalized in the course syllabus.”
“Some instructors incorporate green finance knowledge through practical applications.
The extent to which this is done depends on the number of teaching hours available in a
semester. Typically, the basic chapters are already quite packed.”
Several factors contribute to the limited formalization of green finance education at
Hanoi universities. Firstly, there is a lack of specific regulations and legal frameworks
for green finance in Vietnam. Policies related to green finance are still experimental, and
detailed implementation guidelines are yet to be issued. For example, green bond policies
are considered experimental, and corporate green bonds have not been officially