Page 55 - Green Finance 2024
P. 55
Secondly, the low prevalence of green finance in Vietnam has resulted in limited
readiness among local enterprises to adopt green finance practices. While some
corporations and financial institutions acknowledge the importance of green finance, its
application has not yielded high economic efficiency, possibly leading to a perception
that green finance is not a priority.
Another contributing factor is the limited availability of textbooks and teaching materials
dedicated to green finance. Specialized green finance modules or courses have not been
developed within educational programs. Existing teaching materials, including those
adopted from foreign textbooks, have only briefly covered ethics and sustainability,
often treated as secondary topics.
In summary, green finance has not yet been formally integrated into university education
in Hanoi. Although some educators possess knowledge of green finance, they have
integrated it into their lectures based on personal expertise. Green finance education
currently relies on individual instructors’ guidance and students’ self-directed research.
Despite these challenges, many educators have been actively promoting green finance
through research guidance and student projects.
The perspectives of educators regarding green finance education in Hanoi shed light on
the current state of affairs and the potential for growth in this important field. While there
is a unanimous consensus among educators about the necessity of including green
finance in the educational system, the actual implementation is still in its infancy.
Educators and experts advocate for a multi-faceted approach to incorporating green
finance education into the curriculum. This includes introducing green finance concepts
and principles at an early stage in secondary education, with a more comprehensive
integration into higher education programs for economics and finance students.
Suggestions range from creating dedicated courses and training programs to seamlessly
integrating green finance content into existing subjects.