Page 60 - Green Finance 2024
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The absence of comprehensive legal frameworks and regulations pertaining to green
finance remains a fundamental challenge. Vietnam’s legal landscape in this domain is
still evolving, necessitating a comparative analysis of international experiences to
develop a robust foundation for green finance education.
Financial constraints emerge as another prominent challenge. Adequate financial
investments from educational institutions are crucial to facilitate the training of educators
in green finance. Without this financial commitment, progress in this field may be
The limited adoption of green finance practices in Vietnam poses a significant challenge.
Despite growing awareness, the practical application of green finance has not yet yielded
substantial economic benefits, resulting in a lack of widespread interest and knowledge
among students.
Furthermore, the issue of expertise among educators is evident. While they possess
theoretical knowledge, they often lack practical experience. To address this gap,
comprehensive training courses, direct involvement in practical projects, and exposure
to both successful and unsuccessful green finance models are necessary.
4.2.5. Assessment of Institutional Support
While none of the surveyed institutions have fully developed green finance education
programs, educators remain optimistic about the potential to create suitable curricula.
However, they emphasize the necessity of support from their respective institutions, both
financially and in terms of prioritizing green finance within the educational framework.
“If the university commits to developing some courses on green finance, I believe the
university, faculties, and lecturers can entirely make it happen.”
“To develop a green finance education program, we need to make green finance content
one of the program’s objectives.”
“Green finance is one of many topics related to sustainable development. Incorporating
green finance into education should align with the program’s goals.”