Page 11 - Maccabi Team AUS Athlete Supporter Manual Pan Ams 2023
P. 11
Activity and In-flight Exercises
Exercises performed during the flight help to keep your muscles active, reduce the incidence of deep
vein thrombosis and prevent muscle tightness.
Recommended exercises include:
• Walking for 1-2 minutes every hour
• Foot pumps x 50 hourly
• Neck stretches every 2 hours – ear to shoulder.
• Upper limb stretches every 2 hours – stretch towards ceiling, arm across body.
• Lumbar extension stretches.
• Take the time to relax, chat with a teammate that you don’t usually spend much time with
• Use visual imagery to practice a specific skill required for your sport. This will activate the
same areas of your brain that are responsible for executing the skill- you can practice and
train your brain to perform a skill without doing it
Compression Gear
The use of full-length leg compression garments is recommended for athletes. While the evidence
for the effectiveness of compression garments is limited, there is anecdotal evidence that they can
assist in reducing the risk of deep vein thrombosis and, when vigorous activity has recently been
undertaken, aid in muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.
Take your own snacks on the plane to help you eat appropriate foods and as a back-up, so you don’t
miss out on important nutrients.
Air-conditioned environments and pressurised cabins increase fluid loss. The risk of becoming
dehydrated is high, especially on long flights. Symptoms may include headaches, tiredness, or slight
constipation. It is essential that fluid intake be maintained before, during and after the flight.
• Fluid intake should consist of non-alcoholic beverages (water and fruit juices) both before
and throughout the flight.
• 200–400mL of water per hour during and for 2-3 hours following the flight
• Avoid diuretic drinks including tea and coffee.
• Caffeine intake (including Coke or Diet Coke) should be minimised.
• No alcohol - There is a no alcohol policy during the flight and transit for junior and open
athletes. Master’s athletes may drink alcohol in moderation.
• The use of medications to assist with sleeping is not advised (unless prescribed by a doctor)
• The use of blood thinning medications such as aspirin to reduce the risk of DVT should only
be used under the direction of a doctor.