Page 14 - Maccabi Team AUS Athlete Supporter Manual Pan Ams 2023
P. 14
• This is not the time to begin any dietary restrictive regime, the deficiency of energy and
nutrients can be very harmful.
• Include a good variety of foods from all food groups.
• Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body.
o They provide your muscles with a good reserve of glycogen to improve your
o Restricting them could make you feel fatigued and weak, in addition to reducing
your performance.
o Found in rice, whole grain breads, pastas, fruits, tortillas, and legumes, among
• Protein promotes muscular recovery.
o It is a myth that protein supplements are required.
o Muscle growth comes from regular training, and extra demands for protein can be
covered through proper nutrition.
o Found in meat, chicken, fish, dairy, egg, and legumes.
• The demands of calcium and iron increase in athletes. To ensure an adequate consumption
of these minerals, consume red meats, green leafy vegetables, dairy, fortified cereal, and
• Consume food of different colors ensuring a good contribution of all micronutrients
• Due to high energy demands an adequate consumption of fats is also required.
o Consume vegetable fats such as nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and avocado.
o Avoid fatty foods before exercising as they slow digestion and can make you feel
• Supplements are not necessary. All the nutrients you require are ingested by normal eating.
In addition, many of the products offered in the market are not even evaluated or regulated.
• Hydration and electrolyte replacement is crucial.
o There is no single recommendation of how much water to drink, as the
requirements vary according to age, weight, exercise intensity and ambient
o It is important to drink water before, during (every 15 to 20 minutes) and after
o Do not wait to be thirsty.
• Sports drinks are a good option when the exercise lasts longer than one hour or when the
ambient temperature is too high. These drinks allow you to replenish energy and
electrolytes along with liquids. However, if the duration is shorter, hydrating with water is
• Caffeine has a diuretic effect, so a high intake could promote greater fluid losses. In addition,
caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure, and can leave you a little anxious or
accelerated. Never consume energy drinks before exercising.