Page 8 - Gary John Oliphant - CV
P. 8
July 1997 – May 1999
Projects include Hillington Retail Park Infrastructure
Master Plan - Hillington, Queens Drive Retail Park
Infrastructure Master Plan - Kilmarnock, Riverway Retail
Park Infrastructure Master plan - Irvine, Dumfries and
Galloway Divisional Headquarters - Dumfries, Trade Style
Furniture Production Facility, N.O.S. Office Developments –
Senior Electrical Design My work involved drafting electrical specifications and
Engineer performance specifications together with the design and
David McAspurn Partnership provision of electrical services for buildings and
United Kingdom infrastructure services to development sites. Coordinating
and programming works within the office, on site
supervision, preparing budget costs, analysing and
reporting on tenders, providing risk assessment data.
September 1991 – July 1997
city My work involved designing and planning lighting solutions
and lighting control/dimming systems for a wide range of
projects including hotels, commercial buildings, residential
buildings, conference centres, shopping malls, internal and
external sports complexes, libraries, hospitals, schools,
factors ltd colleges and universities, banks, air-ports, football
stadiums, bars and restaurants. I was tasked with drafting
luminaire schedules and comprehensive bills of quantities
and quotations, providing full technical supporting
Lighting Design Engineer documentation including drawings and calculations and
City Electrical Factors Ltd producing cost analysis reports for energy efficient
United Kingdom buildings when required.
January 1989 – September 1991
Projects include University of Paisley - Automatic Lighting
Controls, Baptist Church, Heavy Engineering and Structures
Building, Block A Lift upgrade, Block A Chemistry
Laboratory, Glasgow University - Rewiring and Partitions
Contract, Piazza Shopping Centre - Paisley
My work involved drafting electrical specifications and
Electrical Design Engineer performance specifications together with the design and
Kenneth Munro and Associates provision of electrical services for buildings and
United Kingdom
infrastructure services to development sites. Coordinating
and programming works within the office, on site
supervision, preparing budget costs, analysing and
reporting on tenders, providing risk assessment data.