Page 120 - Academy Mastermind Book
P. 120

CALLS                                                                          CALLS

        CALL TO ACTION                                                                 DIFFERENT TYPES OF CTA (CALL TO ACTION)

        You’re looking for a planned community with pools, tennis, basketball and close to
        Most importantly, 30 minutes away from the dealership. As far as the timelines, you
        have 90 days in temporary housing but would like to  nd something sooner than later.
        And you are currently working through all the details with lender and open to 2nd
        opinion if needed.

        Did I miss anything?
        (at this point they will let you know if you missed something, that a good thing)

              **This next piece is very important because this is when you know if
                            you connected with the client**

        CTA - Oh by the way I’m going to give you some homework…super easy! When we get
        off this call can you send me some screen shots of homes that you’ve seen on
        line….only need 2-3 homes.

        I want to see your style so I don’t waste your time on sending you homes that don’t  t
        the style you are looking for.  I’ll get that search going and I’ll text you once I send it
        to con rm you’ve received it.
        Let’s talk soon and if you have any questions please reach out.

          CALL TO ACTION
          Okay perfect, now I have some homework for you but it will be super easy,
          can you do me a huge favor and send me some schreenshots of homes
          you’ve seen online? I want to get a better feel of what you are looking for in
          this new home? You only need to send 2-3.
             Yeah of course we have some saved we can send them over to you
          later tonight!
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