Page 3 - GGHS Whole School Pedagogical Practices
P. 3


                                                PRACTICE 1

          10 HIGH IMPACT                           HITS have emerged from the findings of tens of thousands of
                                                 studies on what has worked in classrooms across Australia and the
                TEACHING                        world. International experts often rank HITS at the top of strategies

             STRATEGIES                                          that contribute to student learning.

                               Your lessons need to have clear learning intentions with

                               goals that clarify what success looks like for students in

                                                               your class.

                                 Make these                  Refer to them                     Check for

                                  visible and               throughout the                    student goal
                                                                                            achievement at
                                accessible for                     lesson                   the end of each

                                    students                                                     lesson

                                Your lesson structure should reinforce routines and optimise

                                      time on task. They should be planned and sequence

                                      teaching and learning activities This stimulates and

                                 maintains engagement by linking lesson and unit learning.

         Always start with
           your Learning

           Intention and

          Success Criteria
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