Page 5 - GGHS Whole School Pedagogical Practices
P. 5

Multiple exposures provide students with multiple

                                   opportunities to encounter, engage with, and elaborate

                                                     on new knowledge and skills.

                                                Space practice              Use a range of

                                               of skill/concept                 different

                                              over several days                 activities

                                     Questioning opens up opportunities for students

                                         to discuss, argue, and express opinions and

                                                       alternative points of view.

                                                                                                  Respond to
       Use Higher Order                 Develop a                  Increase wait                answers by re-

          Questioning                  sequence of               time for student             inforcing, probing

           Techniques                    activities                  responses                  or redirecting

                                    Feedback informs a student and/or teacher about

                                      the student’s performance relative to learning


                                        Feed back                                                It should be
       Provide formal                   should be                     During                 specific advice to

         or informal                     verbal or                formative and               improve student

           feedback                                             summative work                 understanding
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