Page 84 - Up_and_Aware_Class_6
P. 84
Menu orange ` 10
banana ` 10
salad ` 10
chips ` 10
cold drink ` 10
burger ` 10
yoghurt ` 10
pizza ` 10
apple ` 10
ice cream ` 10
fries ` 10
sandwich ` 10
I would always eat:
I would sometimes eat:
I would never eat:
With the partner that your facilitator assigns, prepare a role-play in
which one person acts as the child and the other plays the parent and
vice versa.
The ‘parent’ reads over the list of the choices made by the child. Both partners
look at how they could have made better choices for themselves.
84 honesty open-minded individuality trust integrity respect commitment trust equality open-minded commitment
individuality integrity commitment equality honesty equality individuality integrity honesty individuality integrity respect