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abscess, breast 85                           appetite, poor/inadequate                     adiposity rebound and 197
acidic foods and caries 144–5                   in cystic fibrosis 213                     assessment 40–1
additives 186                                   to satisfy energy/nutrient                 charts 42
adequate intake (of nutrients) 10                     requirements 207–10
                                                                                              boys 240
   appetite inadequate for 207–10            ascorbic acid see vitamin C                      girls 242
   assessing see assessment                  Asperger’s syndrome 206, 210–11, 221          girls vs boys 43
   infants, indications of inadequacy 115    assessment of nutritional intake and its      obesity indicated by 44, 195, 196
   preschool children 132–4                                                             bottle (formula)-feeding 78–9, 89–95
   primary school children 163, 166–7                 adequacy 45–53                       6-12 months 105–6
   see also energy; requirements                by food groups 24, 47–52                   choice of formula types 89–92
adiposity rebound 197                           in national surveys, adolescents           components 90–1
adolescents and teenagers (and secondary                                                   constipation and 113–14, 114
                                                      173–6                                food hypersensitivity and 115
         school children) 171–81                in selective eating 150                    growth faltering in formula-fed
   diabetic, food refusal 218                atopy and atopic disease 187, 221
   obesity                                   attention deficit hyperactivity disorder            babies 116
                                                                                           mixed breastfeeding and 86
      consequences 198                                206, 210–11
      prevention 198                         authoritarian parenting style 33                 bottle-feeding at work 88
   physical development 171–2                authoritative parenting style 33              obesity and 197
      pubertal growth spurt 40, 43,          autistic spectrum disorders and autism        preterms 122, 126–7

         171–2                                        206, 210–11, 221                        and discharge home from neonatal
   population differences in dietary         autumn-time meals plans for preschool               unit 127

         intakes 176                                  children 138–9                       sociocultural influences 30–1
   pregnancy 67–8                            Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and        specialized 92, 116, 117–18
                                                                                           vitamin supplementation 95, 108
      calcium 65                                      Children 53, 115, 197             bowel see intestine
advertising, food 31–2                                                                  boys
African migrants in UK, traditional          baby foods, commercial 106                    adolescents, nutrient intake compared
         foods 26                                                                                with boys 176
age                                             food-borne illness-causing, in             BMI
                                                      pregnancy 71
   gluten-free food entitlement and 213                                                       and body differences from girls 43
   growth data for different ages 41            probiotic 9, 222, 230                         charts 240
   growth rates changing with 38–40          balanced diet see healthy eating              growth charts 232–3, 236–7
   preterm baby age correction 42            bariatric surgery 202–3                       pubertal growth spurt 171–2
AIDS see HIV                                 basal metabolic rate 2                        reporting about body weight 165
alcohol 178                                  behavioural interventions, obesity 202        waist circumference 241
   maternal consumption                      behavioural problems with eating, young    bran, unprocessed 146
                                                                                        bread, sandwich fillings for preschool
      antenatal 69, 70                                children 141–2, 147–51
      postnatal 88                              specialist feeding clinics 151–2                 children 158–9
   preconception 58–9                        beverages see drinks                       breadsticks and dips for packed lunches
alimentary tract see gastrointestinal tract  binge drinking 70, 178
allergy 221                                  binge eating disorder 178                           for preschool children 159
   food see food allergy                     biochemical measures in nutritional        breakfast
amines, biogenic, hypersensitivity or
                                                      assessment 53                        adolescents not having 176
         intolerance 186                     biogenic amines, hypersensitivity or          changing intake, example case 51
amino acid formulas 118                                                                    plans 22, 23
anaemia, iron-deficiency 29, 145                      intolerance 186
anaphylaxis 185, 221                         biological drivers of growth 39–40               diabetic child 216
anorexia nervosa 177–8                       biotin, safe intakes 12                          infant weaning 101, 102, 104
                                             birthday celebrations in nurseries 157–8         preschool children 137, 138, 139, 140
   fertility and 58                          birthweight                                      vegetarian 24, 140
   primary school children 164                                                             recording intake 48
anthropometry 38                                loss after birth 43                           example case 49
anti-reflux medications 112                     low see low-birthweight babies             school 167
                                                weight centile later in infancy and 43
                                             body mass index (BMI) 221
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