Page 257 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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248 Index
cow’s milk disaccharides 4 in diabetic diet 214
avoidance and alternatives 190, 191 disease see infections; medical increasing density of, with inadequate
formula based on 89
preschool children 133 conditions/disorders appetite 208
and iron deficiency 145 docosahexanoic acid (DHA) 75 increasing intake of
primary school, subsidized 167–9 Down’s syndrome 207, 219
protein drinks/beverages 16 in cancer 211
exclusion from diet 115 in infant formula feeds 116, 117
intolerance/allergy 112, 113, 114, 147 adolescents 173, 175 in preschool children 151
sports 179 enteral nutrition (tube feeding)
cravings in pregnancy 72 inadequate appetite 208–10
Crohn’s disease 206, 216 colours and preservatives 20 preterms 120–1, 122
cultural influences on food choice cups for see cups environment, feeding and eating
high-energy see high-energy foods cultural influences 28
25–35 infants 106–7
cups (drinking) 106 and drinks preschool children 136–7
infants at meal-times 101 in childcare settings 155
breast milk 88 at meals and snack times 21 epidemiological data in nutritional
formula milk 94 obesity prevention and 198–9
cutlery, cultural variations 28 preschool children 135–6 assessment 52
cystic fibrosis 206, 213–14 epilepsy 206
in childcare settings, nutritional essential fats 5
daily nutritional requirements of standards 156–7 estimated average requirement (EAR) 9
preterms in parenteral or enteral
nutrition 123 in meal plans 137, 138, 139 energy 3
mismanagement 148 school lunches 166
see also recommended daily intake; primary school 166–9
recommended daily servings recommended daily servings 15, 16 ethnic minority (immigrant) groups in
as rewards 33–4 UK
daycare see childcare settings weighing 46
degenerative neurological drug(s) (medicines) food choice and 26–7
in gastro-oesophageal reflux pregnancy
disorders 218–19
dehydration 221 disease 147 gestational diabetes 67
in obesity 202–3 recent immigrants 69
diarrhoea and gastroenteritis 113 sugar-containing medicines 19 European Food Safety Authority on
dental health drug abuse and pregnancy 69
weaning 98
fluoride and 7 East African migrants in UK, traditional European Society for Paediatric
preschool children 141, 144–5 foods 26
primary school children 165 Gastroenterology, Hepatology
sugar (as sweetener) and 18–19, 144–5 eating see feeding and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) on
see also caries eating disorders 177–8 weaning 98, 100
Department of Health on weaning 98 European Union, school milk
developmental delay in feeding skills fertility and 58 subsidization 167–9
infants 111 primary school children 164 evening meal
preschool children 148 eatwell plate 16 changing intake, example case 51
diabetes 214–18 economic (socioeconomic) factors incl. food labelling legislation 192
children 214–18 plans 22, 23
low-income and poverty diabetic child 216
type 1 206, 214, 214–16 food choice and 28–9 infant weaning 101, 102, 103, 104
type 2 214, 218 pregnancy and nutritional risk 68–9 preschool children 137, 138,
women of child-bearing age eggs, avoidance and alternatives 190 139, 140
planned pregnancy 57 eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) 75 vegetarian 24
pregnancy 66–7 elimination diets see exclusion diets recording intake 49
diarrhoea emotional changes, adolescence 172 example case (pre-school
in food challenges 188 endocrine disorders, obesity 197 child) 49
infants 113 energy (and calories) 2–3 exclusion/elimination diets 189–92
preschool children 147 adequate/required intake (and autistic spectrum disorders 210–11
diary, food 45, 46 coeliac disease 191, 206, 211–13
dieting/slimming 164–5 inadequacy) 10 exercise see physical activity
teenage girls 176, 177 female sportswomen 178 extensively hydrolysed formulas 117
digestive tract see gastrointestinal tract inadequate appetite and 207–10 extremely low-birthweight babies
dips for packed lunches for preschool neurological disabilities 219 definition 121
preschool children 132–4 nutritional requirements 121
children 159 primary school children 163, 166
in breast milk with preterms 125